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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movie Day

Good Evening
I hope everyone has been having a good week so far. Ours has been really good, today i went with Shelbie's Pre-K class and the rest of the school districts Pre-k classes to the movies. We saw Horten Hears a Who. It was a really cute and funny movie. I can honestly saw all the kids were very good and there was no problems.It was Shelbie's first time to the movies and she had a blast.

I am almost done reading Two down I have about 50 pages left. I gave of on confessions of a shopaholic, I could just not get into. It started off fine then i got bored with it.

Lizzie's blanket is really starting to take shape and i love the pattern the yarn is making.I will post pictures of both blankets tomorrow.

Lizzie has a dentist appointment in the morning to get her teeth clean and to check and see if it is time to take out her spacers. I hope the spacers come out soon, because she is starting to complain that the bottom one is hurting her a lot, so we shall see.

I am going to run for now so I can get some coffee and knit a little bit. Have a great evening!!!!!!!!!!!