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Saturday, March 13, 2010

The weekend so far

So far the weekend is going well. I am still a little under the weather, but I think I am on the other side of the cold now. Today I have just been reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult. It is a great book so far. Plus I have been knitting on an afghan that is black and orange(Holcomb school colors), not sure if it will to Lizzie or Shelbie.

Todd cooked a great dinner, he smoked a pork sirloin roast and it turned out great.Todd is such a great cook, thank good because I suck at cooking. Right Todd and the girls are playing on the xbox360 for a little while.

Well the girls have one more week before spring break!!! Our spring break is late this year, but I guess it works out. This last week Lizzie had a great week in school and for her this is wonderful news because she has been getting in trouble a lot with her teacher. It is hard for Lizzie because her teacher does not fully understand Lizzie's Ocd and it has caused Lizzie a lot of anxiety which has caused her to start picking on herself again. I think it would help if at least her teacher would praise Lizzie for a good day instead of Lizzie only getting negative feedback. Lizzie is a great student and so is Miss Shelbie. Shelbie rocks in math and has really is doing great in reading(she is now on level 15 which is a good thing).

I am going to run so I can get a fresh cup of coffee and get back to my knitting.