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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Smencils Smencils

I can honestly say that Mrs. Aldama had a great idea in order to raise money for some new music things. She was selling these pencils that are scented and they were such a big hit. We sold out of them this morning and many students were not able to get more today. But Mrs. Aldama is ordering more and I am going to help her sell them. i think next year the 4th grade should sell the pencils instead of the popcorn they sell to raise money for their hikes.

Yesterday I went up to the school to help make copies for Shelbie's teacher then I helped the 1st grade teachers get the 1st graders ready for their little morning program tomorrow. I am going up there again this afternoon to help. I really enjoy volunteering up at the girls school.

I still have not finished reading Guilty Pleasures, but I am hoping today. Todd and I are going to try to rearrange the living room and start going through some stuff we no longer need.

The girls are doing good, they both have spelling tests tomorrow so we will spend a good part of tonight helping the girls study for that.Lizzie has really been having a good week this week!!!!!


Christy said...

Those smencils are a hit!! It's all my kids can talk about lately!

victoria said...

I know all week both the girls talked about the them. I have a watermelon one and it smells so good.