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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A great day yesterday

Well the Outstanding Volunteer banquet was last night and it was really great!!! Lizzie was excited because she got to see Mr.Colbert and talk to him for a few minutes. I had to laugh when Mr. Colbert told Lizzie that she was almost as tall as him and she just says I know, I just keep growing-lol. The Fayetteville High School Encore Choir preformed while we were eating wonderful food from Penguin Ed's. Lizzie and Shelbie both have their sights on being in the Fayetteville High School encore Choir.

I feel so blessed to have gotten this award and i will truly treasure it forever. Both girls have already told me that they hope I will get it again next year-lol. Shelbie was so proud of that this morning the first thing she did was tell her teacher Mr. Edwards that her mommy got an award for being such a great and cool volunteer, I had to laugh. I love helping and I plan on volunteering as much as I can. I just have to figure out how I am going to volunteer at 2 schools next year.Holcomb has the teachers and staff it is always a pleasure to help.


Christy said...

Congratulations on your award! We appreciate all you do to help at Holcomb!!

victoria said...

Thank you so much!!! With great teachers like you it makes it all worth it. I am glad i can help, Looking forward to helping all the wonderful 2nd grade teacher this coming year to do what ever needs to be done!!