Todd is the best hubby out there. I am really glad that we never gave up on each other and we make this work. I hate when people just throw in the towel and then feel sorry for themselves because the are alone. But hey they wanted it that way so grow up right. Todd and I do not have a perfect marriage but we have learned how to work things out and move on from it. I love Todd more and more everyday. We have to beautiful girls are the best and we know that we can get through anything that is thrown our way, we are not quiters. As Todd and I always say want does not kills us makes us stronger. Our little family grows stronger each and ever day.
Tomorrow we are going to have lunch with the girls up at school then the 4th grade is doing a litte presention on what they have been doing all year. It is so hard to believe that lizzie is going to be in 5th grade next year and Shelbie a first grader. God where has the time gone? they are going up way to fast for me.
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