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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Morning Run &Knitting

This week is the 1st graders week to go to the gym in the morning before class starts and jog or walk laps. Well today I jogged with Shelbie and I really enjoyed jogging with her. I do believe she is going to be a runner, she loves to jog with me and was so excited that i joined her this morning. I am glad the kids get a chance to do this.

Well today i actually did some knitting on Shelbie's afghan. It is coming a long a little slower then I would like, but that is okay. I have a little bit more black to knit then I will finish up with orange like I started with. Shelbie wanted a blanket that was made of her school colors. After I finish Shelbie's afghan I am going to make me an afghan then work on another one for Lizzie using her school colors for the middle school she will be going to next year. I am going to make the girls lots of afghans so one day when they are all grown and on their own they can pull out a blanket and think back to the school that the colors stand for and know that I knitted each afghan with love!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Recess fun!!!

This past week was benchmark testing week for grades 3rd-5th graders. I know it is a long hard week for both the teachers and the students, but I do believe it went well. The only sign that it was testing week for Lizzie on her arms. Lizzie picks on herself subconsciously until she bleeds when she lets her Ocd get the best of her. This past week I helped out during recess when the first graders went outside. I had a blast playing with all the kids, plus I helped our wonderful art teacher finish up the Art to Remember fundraiser.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Why Do People Treat Others Wrongly

Okay I am just going to say it.... Some people are just rude. I just not understand it,that when I do something out of the kindness of my heart to help some one they get mad and act like a child. I mean what happened was not my fault, come on when you ring someones doorbell 6 times and knock really hard on their door about 6 times and wait for 10 minutes. What am I suppose to do stand outside their door all day. I am sorry but I had things to do. Now this person is mad at me because she had to find another way to pick up her kids. See we use this persons mom's van when when have to pick up this persons 2 kids plus our 2 girls. I am sorry but we can not fit all 4 kids in our car. We have been doing this for over a month to help this person out, because we know how hard things can be. well I am sorry no more I am tired up helping people and then they get mad at me and not respond to any of my emails or any thing. I am a good person and I go out of my way to help people, but i am so so tired of getting treated like I am worthless and because I am not.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A great day yesterday

Well the Outstanding Volunteer banquet was last night and it was really great!!! Lizzie was excited because she got to see Mr.Colbert and talk to him for a few minutes. I had to laugh when Mr. Colbert told Lizzie that she was almost as tall as him and she just says I know, I just keep growing-lol. The Fayetteville High School Encore Choir preformed while we were eating wonderful food from Penguin Ed's. Lizzie and Shelbie both have their sights on being in the Fayetteville High School encore Choir.

I feel so blessed to have gotten this award and i will truly treasure it forever. Both girls have already told me that they hope I will get it again next year-lol. Shelbie was so proud of that this morning the first thing she did was tell her teacher Mr. Edwards that her mommy got an award for being such a great and cool volunteer, I had to laugh. I love helping and I plan on volunteering as much as I can. I just have to figure out how I am going to volunteer at 2 schools next year.Holcomb has the teachers and staff it is always a pleasure to help.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Good Day

Good evening, I sure do hope everyone is having a great evening. The girls had a great day in school, Lizzie got the the good apple award for being trustworthy, she was so excited and I feel bad because I did not stay for the rise and shine program, to see her get it. Today i helped Mrs. Foster with kindergarten enrollment, I was there until a little before 6 this evening. I really enjoyed helping plus I was running messages to teachers regarding parent/teacher conferences. We have both girls conferences tomorrow morning. I do believe both will go well. The girls are going to stay with hubby's parents while we are at the meetings.

I can't believe this Sunday is Easter, we are going to color eggs Saturday night, so the Easter bunny can do his thing. And yes we even hide an egg or two for our little chihuahua Luke.He just loves to roll them between his paws then he barks at them, it is funny to watch.

Not much else is going on right at the moment, we are just watching the Mav's game.